getting around here

Navigation stuff will likely go here. That would presume that there is actually real content...

Stuff that will (eventually) show up here will include:

For those of you who are looking here for my periodic ramblings, I've moved those posts to the blog section. What will go here, besides pointers to other things, I don't quite know yet.

who knows what goes here?

On this chunk, there will probably be links to all the (periodical) media that I normally consume to get the info that I regurgitate to put here, outside of the occasional original thought. Stuff like websites, newsletters, magazines, television, radio, the occasional newspaper, the (currently less occasional) newspaper, or whatever else regular jumble of bits happen to float through my head. This is so I can conform to Standard Blogging Format. But this isn't going to scale to other chunks of the site, so this might not be elsewhere.

Does it validate? Who knows?

Is this at the bottom? If it is (when there's enough stuff in the center column...), this is where my copyright, colophon, badge list, privacy, and any other fine print that you should read will go. For now, it's all... copyright Jason Untulis 1997-2005. So there.